Recent Articles from Marketing 101

A Quick Guide to Direct To Consumer Strategy for Restaurants

Recent changes in consumer behavior have revolutionized how restaurants serve customers. Just look at the stats: global revenue from online food delivery is predicted to reach US$1.79 trillion by 2028 – that’s a compound annual growth rate of 10.06% over four years.

How to Leverage Social Power to Help Your Business

Too often, businesses see social networks as a sidebar to their online presence and other marketing campaigns. However, social media is a powerful marketing tool that can effectively pave the way for reinvention and growth.

How to Leverage Influencer Marketing to Maximize Earnings

Unlike traditional advertising, which broadcasts a single message to a wide audience, influencer marketing relies on the trust established between influencers and their followers in specific niches.

Is Your Restaurant Chain Employing ‘Google My Business’ Listings?

In the constant opportunity for restaurant chains to attract local attention, two tools can’t be overlooked: Google My Business (GMB) and Google Ads. GMB listings ensure your local presence has digital representation and Google Ads amplify that listing to reach a broader audience.

Last-Minute Holiday Tips For Small Businesses

Well, fall sure flew by, didn’t it?

Your Business Deserves Treats for Halloween!

Halloween and the weeks leading up to it are a great way to extend your “holiday season”, driving more revenue to your business. Ready to make sure it’s all treats for your business? Check out these tips and tricks.

Consumer Psychology And Menu Boards

Restaurants put a lot of effort into making their menu items as appealing as possible. Every element — from the ingredients to the presentation on the plate — matters. However, what many restaurants don’t know is that no matter how appealing a dish is, their customers will never know if the menu...

The Dos and Don’ts of Customer Engagement

Every retail or restaurant chain should know that engaging with customers is critical to increasing loyalty and sales.

Proof is in the Personalization: Stats Roundup

Customers are upending the definition of customer service. Now, customers demand an end-to-end customer engagement solution. From the moment they walk into a store to the purchase, and now the new focus, the post-purchase.

7 Ways to Increase Check Sizes with Entertainment

It’s competitive out there in the restaurant biz. To attract patrons and increase check sizes, savvy restaurants are serving up food with a side of entertainment. From live trivia events to cooking classes, discover 7 easy ways to raise your restaurant’s fun factor – and boost your bottom line.

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