Revel Blog

Your Business Deserves Treats for Halloween!

Revel | October 10, 2018 |

Marketing 101
Your Business Deserves Treats for Halloween!

Halloween and the weeks leading up to it are a great way to extend your “holiday season”, driving more revenue to your business.  Ready to make sure it’s all treats for your business? Check out these tips and tricks.

Participate in the Neighborhood Trick Or Treat Route

Participate in the Neighborhood Trick Or Treat Route

If your business is part of a consolidated downtown or shopping center (or even if it’s not!), be sure to participate in the local trick or treaters route.  As more families look to these more well-lit and reliable routes, this is a tremendous opportunity to drive foot traffic to your business. To capitalize on this, add a coupon to each piece of candy handed out.  When parents check the candy at the end of the night, they’ll find an incentive to come back to your business.

Take Advantage of Seasonal Selections

The last several years have been synonymous with pumpkin spice mania.  October is a great time to add seasonal menu or merchandise items to capitalize on that extra festive feeling in the air.  Pumpkins, ghosts, witches, black cats -- anything seasonally themed will likely do well, whether that’s bringing on a whole new costume category in your retail boutique or just changing the shape of your cut out cookies at your bakery.  

Be Prepared for A Big Delivery Night

Be Prepared for A Big Delivery Night

Partnering with some online order aggregators, MyFitnessPal released a study on what foods are consumed most on what days - and Halloween recently unseated the SuperBowl as the day where Americans consume the most pizza - much of it picked up or delivered.  Other delivery favorites - Chinese, sandwiches, etc. - see a similar uptick in delivery business on Halloween. Consider running a limited menu to drive efficiency and make sure your drivers are ready for a busy night.

Drive User-Generated Social Content

Drive User-Generated Social Content

A costume contest (either for employees or customers), a great seasonal decorative display, or a social contest are all great ways to encourage customers to share photos of your business, add your location, and use your hashtag - all great ways to drive up brand impressions and get new eyes on your business.  

Using these ideas - and/or other tactics to take advantage of the upcoming holiday - is a great way to make sure that your business gets a little extra Halloween treat in the form of additional revenue, new customers, and brand impressions.