Recent Articles from Revel

Labor Forecasting with Revel iPad POS

Revel iPad POS users may already know about the Employee Scheduling feature, and Revel has recently added more tools to help empower businesses. Here’s how you can improve business efficiency by forecasting labor costs.

Tech Tools for Bars

Top 15 Tech Tools for a Successful Bar Technology is essential to improving not only your customer’s bar experience, but your business’s functionality and relevance on the bar scene. But not just any technology will do. The following tools speak to the challenges bar owners face, providing helpful...

Email Marketing Tips for Restaurants

Customer relationships are an important part of every restaurant. The real question, however, is how to maintain those relationships while keeping your customers engaged. Restaurant POS Systems must have a customer database that should be able to handle this task. Personalizing your customers’...

Restaurants for Foodies

Restaurants that market themselves to “foodies” continually raise the bar on quality, selection, and presentation. What kinds of dishes do they serve and how do they organize their menus? Here’s how you can stay on trend, attracting the patrons who recognize and appreciate good eats:

To Yelp or Not to Yelp? A Guide for Restaurants

One of the most valuable tools a restaurant can have is its ability to hear and respond to customers problems, suggestions, and ideas. That being said, it is also incredibly difficult to know the best possible way to promote your business in a positive light without being pushy. Yelp provides a...

3 Great Ways to Create a Store Environment

Think about your favorite in-store shopping experience. Other than the items you’re looking to buy, what stands out? You probably don’t realize it at the time, but music, decor, and lighting all affect the store environment. Next time you pop in a store, take a look and listen, you may just...

Secret Menus: A Hit with Customers, A Win for Restaurants

Imagine standing in line at Starbucks, ordering your usual, unremarkable mocha, when the person next to you asks for a S’mores Frappucino, or perhaps, a Peach Ring Iced Tea. If you’d never heard of these exotic concoctions before, you’d probably scour the menu board, to no avail, until the customer...

Top 5 Domestic Beers this July 4th

There is always a bit of subjectivity when deciding the “top” of anything, but as far as actual sales figures, it’s a pretty safe bet that most of us can easily name the top five best-selling domestic beers in America. According to a story in The Atlantic, the top selling beers in 2013 were:

Top 5 Tools for Retail

Small business owners need quality tools to give them a competitive edge in today's world. Mobile phones, cloud computing, and WiFi have finally allowed for enterprise technology to be accessible to all. We recognize the needs of business owners and have provided the top 5 features necessary to...

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