Recent Articles from Industry insights

5 Tips To Prep Your Restaurant For A Prosperous Holiday Season

The holiday season means something very different for restaurants than it does for retail stores. While retail stores see a rush of holiday crazed shoppers, restaurants often experience a decline in the winter months. With colder temperatures and tighter budgets, consumers feel less compelled to...

Top 5 Reasons You Need To Attend Revelry 2017

Revel Systems annual event, Revelry 2017, is quickly approaching. Revelry is a two-day conference where merchants, industry thought leaders, and technology experts gather from around the world to discuss the brick-and-mortar industry, identify technology trends, and share business management...

Payment Processing Terminology 101

Credit card processing can be one of the most complex and confusing parts of running a business. And whether you are opening your first business, or looking for a new payment processor, the integrity of your business depends on how efficiently, and securely you can process consumers’ transactions.

How To Choose The Right Merchant Service Provider

Just like choosing a POS, choosing the right merchant service provider (MSP) is integral to the success of your business. Navigating this space can feel overwhelming, and if you’re just getting started you may not know where to start in finding a quality provider.

The One Thing Your Business Needs To Sell For The Holidays

It’s never too early to start talking holidays. In 2016, the holiday season began earlier than years prior with Black Friday sales starting the week prior to Thanksgiving. Taking a look at forecasted customer trends, as well as last year's sales will help you identify what items you want to push...

5 Ways Gift Cards Drive Revenue For Business

As of 2015, nearly 93% of American consumers surveyed have either given or sent a gift card. From office white elephant parties to birthday celebrations – gift cards are the staple gift. Gift cards are a simple win for your business, and while most larger merchants have adopted gift cards, far too...

3 Easy Steps For Growing Repeat Customers

It is no surprise that acquiring new customers costs more than keeping existing customers. And once you have established repeat customers, it is much easier to sell to repeat customers then sell to a new one.

Revel Partners with DSYNC to Simplify Big Data

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with DSYNC, a platform dedicated to helping businesses map and transform data across all systems.

How To Meet The Food Delivery 30 Minute Deadline

While the 30 minute food delivery deadline is arbitrary, this guarantee is still met by many major market players. And with customer expectations rising tenfold, more and more food establishments are feeling the pressure to provide fast, and accurate delivery.

3 Important Lessons Brick-And-Mortar Retailers Can Learn From eCommerce

Despite low prices and digital innovations driving consumers to buy online, brick-and-mortar stores continue to be consumers’ preferred place to complete a purchase -- in fact, 91% of shoppers research products online, then purchase in-store.

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