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With an estimated 630 billion dollars spent on winter holiday shopping in the United States this year, your business has the opportunity to take advantage of an increase in shoppers to have, not just a successful holiday season, but also carry over steady traffic through the new year. To do this,...
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As of 2015, nearly 93% of American consumers surveyed have either given or sent a gift card. From office white elephant parties to birthday celebrations – gift cards are the staple gift. Gift cards are a simple win for your business, and while most larger merchants have adopted gift cards, far too...
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New York City Restaurant Week is approaching fast, and from July 24 to August 18, restaurants can expect a flood of new customers. The flood of new customers to your restaurant gives you the opportunity to showcase a refreshed, innovative three-course menu, increase sales volume, and turn these new...
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Every business owners’ dream is to grow their business. Growth comes in many different forms; you may be experiencing new customers, more repeat customers, or increased revenue. One way to capitalize on this momentum and avoid stagnation is to expand into additional locations.
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One of the biggest giants in the beverage industry, Coca-Cola, birthed the idea of the coupon. The consequence? Coke gave away an estimated 8.5 million free drinks and completely changed the way businesses market. In what was a last ditch effort to sell drinks, ended up turning a struggling soda...
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An ever-changing tech landscape has conditioned the millennial shopper to embrace high-tech. New technologies affect shopping behaviors and evolving shopping behaviors affect technology—it’s a revolving door. This creates a complex, forward-thinking shopper.
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With the end of year quickly approaching, 2017 is knocking at your door. Before answering and diving into the new year, it’s a great time to reflect on business mistakes you may have made over the past twelve months. Upon reflection, you can turn 2016’s mistakes into 2017 growth opportunities.
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Advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry in which companies are investing huge amounts of money to drive holiday sales. According to the American Association of Advertising Agencies, a 30-second national television commercial averages $342,000. And notably, a recent study by ORC International
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Paris—the City of Light, the City of Love, and long claimant as one of the most visited cities in the world. In fact, last year alone, Paris was expected to attract more than 16 million foreign tourists. That’s more than seven times its population. It would be hard to ask for a better city to run a...
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When most of us think back to our first delivery food experience, there was one category that overwhelming won the market—pizza. Today’s delivery landscape is a far departure from what it once was. Now there is competition from single location quick and full service restaurants, international...
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