Recent Articles from Power outage

4 Business Crises & How To Avoid Them With A POS

Businesses are vulnerable to a number of consequential situations. From power outages to theft and data breaches, your business could be at risk of critical loss or even irreparable damage. The good news is this doesn’t have to be the case. You can keep your doors open and your business running...

3 Unexpected Ways Your Restaurant's Margins & Bottom Line Can Be Impacted

Running a successful restaurant isn’t just providing excellent food and pairing it with stellar service. Restaurant owners have to do so while managing a number of variables that can have a significant impact on their bottom line. While owners are doing their best to control costs, consumers are...

Alabama State University Scores 30,000+ Transactions

Never again will businesses have to worry about losing sales from power outages and poor Internet connectivity at their place of business. Technology has brought countless opportunities for businesses to grow and develop; one included are cloud-based iPad Point of Sale systems. The tricky part of...

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