Recent Articles from Nrf

Best Retail Sellers of 2014

Retailers, especially those of the brick and mortar variety, faced many challenges in 2014. Not the least of which was an increase in online shopping. In 2014, the four day shopping window that began with Thanksgiving and ended on Cyber Monday posted a 17 percent gain over 2013 sales numbers...

Retail's BIG Show Recap

Missed Retail’s BIG Show? No need to fear--Revel has you covered.

NRF 2014: Retail's BIG Show

Join Revel in New York, NY January 13-14 for NRF 2014—“Retail’s BIG Show,” presented by the National Retail Federation. According to the NRF’s website, this retail-centric event “Offers unparalleled education, collegial networking, and an enormous EXPO Hall full of technologies and solutions.”...

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