Recent Articles from Revel systems gift cards

5 Ways Revel Customers Are Making Money With Gift Cards

Gift cards are a great revenue generator for your store or restaurant. Are you currently making money with gift cards? If not, you'll want to note that the number of people who buy gift cards as holiday gifts is growing. It has been for years.

The One Thing Your Business Needs To Sell For The Holidays

It’s never too early to start talking holidays. In 2016, the holiday season began earlier than years prior with Black Friday sales starting the week prior to Thanksgiving. Taking a look at forecasted customer trends, as well as last year's sales will help you identify what items you want to push...

5 Ways Gift Cards Drive Revenue For Business

As of 2015, nearly 93% of American consumers surveyed have either given or sent a gift card. From office white elephant parties to birthday celebrations – gift cards are the staple gift. Gift cards are a simple win for your business, and while most larger merchants have adopted gift cards, far too...

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