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Tech Tip Friday - Verifying Your Software Versions

Revel | February 12, 2016 |

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Tech Tip Friday - Verifying Your Software Versions

Update Software Versions For Smoother Operations

Do you ever have syncing issues, things missing off orders, or things randomly appearing on other orders? Did you know this issue can be a direct result of the software version you are running on your POS software or the iOS version of the POS device? Well it can be, and software versions are a common culprit with the issues that were previously mentioned.

For example, if your retail location has 4 POS devices, and only 2 have the latest version of iOS (iPad operating system), then there is a strong possibility that you will run into issues. It is very important that the version of your POS system and iOS are the same on all POS stations. You can quickly check this on the backend for all POS stations in a few simple steps.

First of course you are going to want to log into your backend.


Next you are going to want to click on "Establishment."

This will bring up a screen that shows you the stations in your establishment, and each individual station can be selected on the left-hand side.

pos selections

On this screen you are going to select each station, and then select the "View POS Screen" option on the right-hand side. This will bring up a POS Station Image that gives you an overview of the selected POS station. You are going to want to look for "iOS Version" and "POS Version." For this particular test, these are the only things that you will need to be looking for.

You can see in this example the iOS version is 9.1, and the POS version is 2.10.0-1.7.

pos station image

You would continue to select each POS station and check both the iOS version and the POS version for all stations in your establishment. If the iOS version or POS version are different on any POS station, this could be the root cause of your problems, and you would want to make sure that all POS stations are updated accordingly so you can remedy the issue.

If you have found that your software versions are different, but are unsure on how to update your software for either iOS or the POS software, you can always contact our support team at or by phone at (415) 744-1433 (option 2 for support).

As always, be sure to keep your browsers on #RevelNation and all our social media to read more Tech Tips every Friday. RevelUp!