Revel Blog Main Feature

How Integrations Play Into a Successful Coffee Shop POS Platform

Founded in 2008 in Portland, OR, Black Rock Coffee Bar has quickly catapulted to more than 135 locations in seven states and is on pace to continue opening between 30-40 new storefronts each year.

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Revel Blog Main Feature

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Product Designer: Revel Employee Spotlight

Get to know some of the best and brightest at Revel Systems® in our recurring “People POS” question-and-answer series. Our previous spotlight featured Benas Narmontas, a lead support trainer responsible for ensuring our newest classes of support agents are equipped to be successful at Revel.

Creating a Memorable Dining Experience at Your Pizzeria

In today’s experience economy, customers need more than delicious food to decide a pizzeria is worth visiting again and again. Building an experiential dining environment that keeps customers coming back (and recommending that their friends do, too) is crucial to success in this highly competitive...

7 Cost-Cutting Strategies for Business Success

The world of business is becoming increasingly saturated and competitive by the day. To be financially successful, restaurant and retail businesses need to find innovative ways to minimize their costs to bolster their net profit.

Market Trends: Think Beyond the Storefront of Your Retail Store

Allow me to amend Benjamin Franklin’s assertion that death and taxes are life’s lone certainties. What he’s missing in that statement is change, which is also an undeniable reality.

How to Drive Traffic to Your Pizzeria

The Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso, commonly known as Ovid is quoted saying, “A horse never runs so fast as when [it] has other horses to catch up and outpace.” Regardless of your stance on Roman poetry, there’s no denying the widespread prevalence of competition in the restaurant industry, and ...

Coffee Technology: The Growing Role in the Coffee Industry

Why is Technology Important In Coffee Shops? Coffee shops may traditionally have small margins, but one thing is certain: they also have huge demand. Estimated global coffee consumption exceeds 150 million 60 kg bags of beans per year. What’s more is, worldwide consumption is expected to grow...

Can Restaurants Afford to Automate Customer Service?

Customer service automation is a scary prospect for restaurants, but it can’t be ignored. Nearly half of jobs (45%) currently performed by paid employees or contractors can be automated with the technology that we have today. It’s not at all surprising that an industry as desperate for a workforce...

Solutions to Common Problems Faced by Pizzeria Owners

A pizzeria is an exciting and potentially profitable venture, but it comes with unique challenges: it’s hard to stand out in the crowded, competitive pizza industry. Offering great customer service is difficult, especially during peak hours or when language barriers exist. Fresh ingredients are...

Reducing Food Waste in Restaurants: How to Track & Save

How Can Restaurants Reduce Food Waste? Reducing food waste in restaurants is one of the most pressing problems in modern-day America. As a restaurateur, you can do your part by taking mindful steps to avoid contributing to this problem. Here are some tips on how to reduce food waste in restaurants.

Spring Event Season in Full Swing: Let’s Talk POS Technology

In my role as Revel’s Chief Strategy Officer, I often get the chance to attend some of our most anticipated industry events of the season. I value the chance to meet face to face with clients, partners, industry friends, and prospective clients at these events, and this busy season is no different....

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