Recent Articles from Franchise management

What To Consider Before Franchising Your Restaurant

The opportunity to grow your business, tap into new markets, and build upon your brand identity is appealing to many restaurant owners. If you want to create a food empire, franchising may be the next step, and if done right, this can be a lucrative business venture. Pursuant to launching a...

Speeding Up Service at Bahama Buck's

Laura Ewing is the Director of Franchise Operations at Bahama Buck’s, a thriving shaved ice and smoothie franchise. Based out of Lubbock, Texas, Bahama Buck’s began as a single location - a small shaved ice stand. In 1993 Bahama Buck’s developed the franchise, and have been opening locations every...

5 Reasons Why Freddy's BBQ Should Use Revel POS

Spoiler alert: for those of you who have not yet finished season two of the Netflix original series House of Cards, you may want to skip this blog post. While this post will not give away any major plot developments, it does contain details of the Freddy storyline which you may wish to discover for...

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